Thursday, October 27, 2011

Falling Paper

Our recent project. Draw a falling leaf or paper and animate with Flash. Not as easy as it sounded : P.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pendulum Flash

Here is our 2nd assignment using flash by making a pendulum like motion with out ball.

Toy Characters

Homework was to take two random toys from a box and get inspiration from them to create our own characters. One to be a main character and one to be a sidekick.
Photo of the two toys above.
 From the two toys, I came up with a biker looking fella and a classy fella. I can't really think of any names but possibly Kwick for the biker and Mr. Diddles for the fella keeping things classy.
Drawing of said characters

Friday, October 21, 2011

See Through Ghost

Continuing the Halloween spirit, we were asked to draw a see through ghost for homework. Here is my personal sketchy style of drawing a cartoon see through ghost.

Acme Session: 10 Objects with Face on them

From Our Acme Session, We were to draw our face on 10 objects. Here I tried to think of random objects and drew face on them. Some common items some unique.

Haunted House Face

Here's my attempt at drawing a spooky looking house with a face formed from window and door.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Munsters

The Munsters
For the start of October and getting into the Halloween spirit, we were asked to draw "The Munsters" for homework. Here is mine.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Comic Panal Strip

Here we dive into our first attempt at drawing a simple comic.
My comic is short and simple. Two characters are racing each other. The loser has caught up with a sudden burst of effort. Excited, he turns around to see how much ahead he is. Then Suddenly no longer looking foward.... BOOM. poor fella ran into a tree.

Some ACME Sessions...

Cartoon Heads of Classmates
 During our first ACME session, we were asked to draw 10 cartoon heads of our felow classmates. Here is my attempt at a cartoonie cast of classmates.

       And After that our 2nd session we tried to attempt to draw the PERFECT Circle and Oval with no erasing. It surely was difficult. I don't think I was able to reach that goal.


Nope, Frank Gladstone

After the ACME meeting with Frank Gladstone, we found out his favorite Cartoon Character is Popeye. So in return we drew him as Popeye!

Dimension Bot

Here is my drawing of a dimensional robot. I named him Dim-Dim Bot!
(whoops looks like the scan went through another drawing, is that Popeye?)