Thursday, November 17, 2011

Flash Drops

Our Second Flash Project: a dropping sack

 We hand drew each action of the sack falling and landing but scan and animated on flash.

 Also a reminder. Tonight our falling paper/leaf project is due. I have it posted on my blog previously if you may have missed it. You can see it here from October's post:

Jumping Comic/ Falling Paper

A jumping comic test of my bean character.

 Also a reminder. Tonight our falling paper/leaf project is due. I have it posted on my blog previously if you may have missed it. You can see it here from October's post:

Homeworks: New Pose

A different take on a pose for my Bean Character. Using two sharpies to show thin and thick lines.
EDIT: Just talked about it with Mr. Arthur. Proportions are a bit off such as arms and hands. Legs and eyes too. Hopefully learning from these mistakes and will do better for the upcoming project. 
Good luck with your characters everyone.

       Another attempt on a Flintstones version of myself. First attempt looked too similar to Fred. This time I drew a more slimmer body and longer hair that I have.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ten Bean Characters

Our homework was to create 10 characters off the simple bean shape.
 Here are my ten characters. For the next night's homework, we are to pick one of our characters to further develop onto our next project. So far I picked this one of a baseball playing bean character. Possible names for him in development... maybe Bitterbean or Bat-Man.
 Hopefully he'll work out for our upcoming projects. Next HW Drawing, a Jumping comic!

Some Homework Drawings.

Don't have a scanner at home so took awhile to get these up... Sorry for the late post. Been absent and busy with some off school things.
Here for homework, I believed we were suppose to draw ourselves as half man half plant monster and another homework was to draw ourselves scared beyond imagination. You can probably notice the pose and face looks similiar to oil painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch.
 Here I took a re-attempt at drawing a see-through Ghost. My first drawing was too cartoonie and wasn't me so this time I drew one of me.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Flinstones Bedrock Version of Me

Homework was to draw myself as a Flinstones character. I think I may have drawn myself a bit too large.